Meet Greg

My name is Greg Nadeau. I live and work at 5 Thorndike St, with my wife Kerri Lorigan. We have raised here our two boys, Max and Charlie, both of whom went through the Somerville Public Schools system. Kerri is a seventh grade teacher at Watertown Middle School. I am a public education consultant with a background and focus in education data and learning systems.
I have been active in the community for more than 20 years. 10 years ago, I started an after-school program called Not Just Lego that provided real-world learning opportunities to a broad range of kids. 5 years ago, I kicked off the plan that will transform the pavement in the back of the Healey School into an incredible new park and soccer field this summer. 4 years ago, I served as Treasurer of the campaign to build the new state-of-the-art High School that will fully open this Fall. 3 years ago, I helped start the Somerville Education Foundation and have raised and distributed over $300,000 to provide more equitable access to basic needs, out of school time, and applied learning for kids.
I have demonstrated through my actions an effective commitment to advocating for the needs of young people.
I plan on running a strong campaign that will continue as an ongoing vehicle to explore new modes of democratic participation such as school-based community budgeting, youth-led discussions, and persistent chat rooms and listservs organized by relevant topics.
If elected, I will work tirelessly to amplify youth voices and recenter power and resources around the needs of young people and their families.
One of the biggest issues that we face in our community is that while many in Somerville are getting wealthier, our families, young people and many of our most vulnerable continue to struggle. According to the 2017 Wellbeing of Somerville Report*, an estimated 22.7% of those below 18 were living under the poverty line. Of those enrolled in Somerville Public Schools, 60% are designated as "high need" by the MA DESE and U.S. Department of Education, which includes students with disabilities, English Language Learners, students who are homeless or in the foster system, students who perform far below grade level, and students who otherwise are in need of special assistance and support. The City and District are not doing enough to address their problems. 30 years ago we had 10,000 students, now we have 5,000.
We can afford to provide them all with better support.
*Information can be found here on pages 16 and 49, respectively: